
Tuesday 22 May 2012

Bluewater Shopping!

Yesterday I went to Bluewater with my Mum and middle sister. It's probably the biggest shopping centre I've ever been to!
It wasn't my first trip there (I went there when it first opened) but I hadn't been there for years.

Despite all the shops there, I barely did any shopping! Here is my swag:

I saw this collar in the Brighton branch of H&M a few weeks ago, so when I found them again at the Bluewater shop I snatched one up!
I have plans for this one. It won't stay plain for long :)

In River Island, I found these fantastic headphones. The bumps on the skull are little rhinestones. I'm not always one for bling but couldn't pass up on these. For the record, the sound quality is great and they block out external noise pretty well too!

...and that's it. Amazing, right? All those shops and only two purchases. I tried on seven pairs of shoes, all of which were too big (unusual for me with my size 9 feet!), I saw some gorgeous shirts (none of them in my size) and some lust-worthy handbags (Vivienne Westwood and sadly way out of my price range).

But I did eat :)

We ended up going to Ed's Easy Diner--Mum didn't care where we ate, and the place I most wanted to go (Wagamama) was the only place my sister didn't want to go! Ed's was the place we could agree on. I hadn't been there before but love the retro American diner style. I half expected Sandra Dee to skip in and ask for a milkshake.

I chose a classic dog, which came with griddled onions aplenty:

There is a sausage under there, I swear!
Of course, I put mustard and tomato sauce in there too :)

Since you have to order things such as chips separately, and I was feeling like a pig, I also ordered the 'Atomic American Onion Rings'...

These came with sour cream, guacamole, jalapeno jelly, cheddar cheese sauce and chilli on the side. Delicious!

And to drink? Root beer, of course. :)
I think my waistline expanded an inch or two over the course of this meal :)

Asides the shops and restaurants Bluewater also has some pretty cool sculptures and facades. Here's a dragon, clambering up a column between the ground and first floor of shops!

I think he's looking for the sales ;)

Today I finally got cracking on sewing for the I Will Wear It in Public challenge. Hopefully I'll be able to post about it tomorrow!

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