
Saturday 21 April 2012

Sewing challenge ahoy!

Garment Sewing Challenge: May 2012

Well, voting for the Typography Challenge finishes at the end of the month, and over at Ricochet and Away, Rikka has already revealed the latest challenge: "I Will Wear it in Public!", a garment sewing challenge.
The challenge this time around is to sew a new (or refashioned) article of clothing that you would proudly wear in public, and to try something new in the process.

For me, the 'try something new' part is probably the biggest challenge, since all the things I haven't tried out are pretty daunting to me--shirts, shirring and corsetry are some that come to mind!

Admittedly I tried shirring before, but it really didn't work. I don't quite understand why--I used a brand new reel of shirring elastic, wound it onto the bobbin by hand, etc, but the bobbin case just shredded it! Absolutely must figure this one out! (If anyone has any suggestions why, I'd greatly appreciate some advice!)

Corsetry is out of the question for this challenge, simply because I think it would cost too much (money-wise and sanity-wise!) Maybe when I'm feeling braver, and haven't got a long 'to make' list!

Shirt-making is something I've kind of done before, in a sense that I made a rather shapeless shirt using the top half of a dress pattern, and ad-libbed a lot of it. I also managed to rip a hole in the shirt whilst opening the button holes. Oops. Lucky it was just for a fancy dress costume!

So at the moment, I'm leaning towards shirring, or maybe smocking. Otherwise I'll consult my retro craft books for inspiration!


  1. This is a great idea. If you were much less accomplished it would be easier to find something you haven't done. I'm thinking that even I could be part of this challenge because I just bought a camisole pattern and really I've sewed so little that it's all new to me, lol. Good luck deciding what you're going to do.

  2. I believe shirring is harder if you have a top loading bobbin. Mine is front loading and I just hand wind the bobbin, so no help, sorry. Look forward to seeing what you create.

  3. Hey there Traci here From My Handmadehappiness I just wanted to pop on over and say hi... I'm also doing the challenge! I look forward to seeing what you do. :)

  4. Isn't the planning and deciding what to do always the most difficult and time consuming part of the challenge!?! Best of luck on that front because I'm sure whatever you do will be awesome:)

  5. totally loving your blog, girl!
    shirring, corsetry??????? just for considering these options you are brave enough!!!!!
    am trying to figure out what fabric should i use for the challenge...
    good luck!!!


Reading all your sweet comments makes me happy! :) I appreciate each and every one and try to reply to all that I can!