
Thursday 9 February 2012

Dear Deer

I wanted to share this picture of two visitors we had in our close a few days ago! I had to zoom in quite a bit to take the photograph!
Knowing from experience that these lovely creatures tend to run off at the slightest movement, the moment I grabbed my camera I engaged ninjah mode!
Unfortunately I only managed to snap a few heavily zoomed in photos before something disturbed them and they ran off.
We do see deer every so often in our road, since the bottom of the road just leads into wilderness. We're also treated to foxes, ducks, moorhens, bats, herons, various birds, hedgehogs, and apparently there's badgers too :)
A year or so ago, the owner of the fields nearby wanted to build a few hundred houses on them...luckily the planning application was turned down, else we certainly wouldn't see such lovely wildlife anymore!

1 comment:

  1. awwww so cute!! I live in a city and in my neighborhood we have only squirrels and hedgehog! :)

    anyway, I became your follower! :)
    tomorrow starts my first giveaway on my blog, so if you want, remember to take a look! :)



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