
Sunday 29 January 2012

Naughty Notions Challenge: Finished Clutch!

After struggling with lack of 'crafting mojo', fighting several times with a sewing machine, and lots of cursing (silently at least!) I finally got my clutch bag finished for the Naughty Notions Challenge! Phew!

Zip-a-dee Do-dah...

Since the whole point of this challenge was to use notions, the look of my clutch bag was easily decided for me: zips! Zips everywhere!
Even after sewing this, I still have a while bunch of zips (though my stash has gone down noticeably now!)
I had so many because my Nanny got them from a friend who used to sew.

The zips obviously came from a thrifty person since most of them were used :) It's a feature I love, because it adds personality! I did have to spend ages picking little bits of cotton from them all, but that's fine, they were free!

This bag cost nothing to make. Everything was to hand, either given to me or already in my stash! Here's my middle sister modelling it:

This was my first ever attempt at sewing a bag with a hinge frame. I used the tutorial over at Bag'n-telle for drafting the pattern and for guidance on construction. Those frames are tricksy!

Decided to keep the back of the bag free of extra decoration! I had to trim off some of the zip so that I could slide the top of the bag into the frame (and also so I could sew together the outer and lining sides without breaking anything!)

All the zips were sewn onto a scrap of denim, using cotton from my vintage sewing box since so much of it was the right colour. Hooray!

Although this clutch is pretty small, it's just the right size for a phone, small purse, cards and keys.

Probably space for a couple of lipsticks, too ;)

Here's a shot of the lining fabric! It was a scrap left over from my pillowcase shopper. I love this fabric, and still have one more pillowcase left to craft from!

Somewhen I might post a brief how-to on this bag, though I forgot to take pictures at some stages in the sewing process. *sweatdrop*

Can't wait to see what other people have come up with for this challenge! Some people have already posted their finished clutch--so far what I've seen is amazing.

Edit: Voting is now up! View all entries and vote for your favourite over at Ricochet and Away!

Edit to add: My clutch won the silver! Yay! Congratulations to the other winners--check them out at sew la vie

Linking up here (or check the bottom of the page!) and:
These Peas Taste Funny

These Peas Taste Funny  


  1. It's a very interesting bag :) I like the colours a lot!

  2. Such a great idea!
    I love the colours too!

  3. Heck ya Miss Kei! This rocks! Congrats on finishing with style!

  4. It's beautiful! And so chic!!! Totally awesome clutch. Love it!

  5. Oh my goodness, this is fabulous! I love it all, great job!

  6. The zips and chains work well together with the frame, making a striking clutch. Fabulous!!!

  7. I love this! It's great that you can open and close the zips too, great job missy! xx

  8. wow! I love this..very cool design :) You did a marvelous job. Congrats!

  9. Your clutch is AMAZING!!! I love the idea with the zips - it just looks fabulous! I might have to try one like this sometime!

  10. Oh wow, this is just fabulous. I love how edgy it looks but still fun. I can't imagine how you were able to get that hinge frame to work, lol. Thanks so much for sharing at our Link It Up Thursday party.

  11. Love it!!! Urban chic. Thanks so much for sharing at the Kiss and Tell party over at I Gotta Create!

  12. This is sooo unique, fun, and a bit it!

  13. Hey Kei. FYI - I featured your clutch on my Facebook page today. Go grab a featured button if you like. :)

    (Facebook link: )

  14. Hi! Visiting from Sundae scoop. Love your clutch.. very cool :)

    If you get a chance I would love for you to share this at my Friday party going on now. Im going to poke around your site a little more :)

  15. Very cute, I love to sew but would not have thought of this. Also like the inside lining. You did a great job sewing! It really is funky cool! Thanks for sharing you creative inspiration at Sunday's Best Par.tay

  16. ths s a wonderful creation....

  17. Wow! Love this! What a unique clutch! If I were a more talented sewer, I might be tempted to try my hand. :)

    I've just started a link party devoted to projects inspired by pinterest. I've you've got any, I'd love for you to link up!
    Very Pinteresting Party

  18. And.... now you are the top feature at this weeks Kiss & Tell party over at I Gotta Create!!
    I'm signing up on your new Linky Follower tool, which I have also placed on my blog.
    Have a great evening! <3 Christina

  19. This turned out so cute!! Very stylish! Thanks so much for joining us on "Strut Your Stuff Saturday." We loved having you and hope to see you back next Saturday with more great ideas! -The Sisters

  20. wow! So great project, I love it!

  21. Congrats on winning the silver star!!!!

  22. Congrats on your win! Your hard work and creativity paid off. Well done!


Reading all your sweet comments makes me happy! :) I appreciate each and every one and try to reply to all that I can!