
Monday, 7 February 2011

Tutorial: Beaded Hanging Heart

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The third instalment of my hanging heart tutorials!

This one is much quicker to make and requires very little skill, so if you lack confidence with a needle and thread, this is the tutorial for you! 
Read on to find out how to make a simple hanging heart with beads.

Time needed: 5-10 mins

You’ll need:
Jewellery wire
Assortment of beads
Ribbon, leather cord or similar
Side cutters
Round-nose pliers

1. Cut a length of wire and fashion loosely into a heart shape, leaving a few centimetres extra at either end. Don’t bend the wire too sharply else threading beads might be difficult!

2. Thread beads onto the wire. I chose to use a selection of natural-coloured wooden beads and a larger, contrasting red bead.

3. Wind the two ends of wire together and bend with round-nose pliers to make a loop.

4. Cut a length of leather cord or ribbon and tie onto the metal loop.

5. Bend the wire a little more as necessary to better define the heart shape.

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