
Wednesday 3 August 2011

London Never Sleeps...

Yesterday, my Mum, youngest sister and I went into London. My sister - a beauty consultant - had a training day, but knows nothing of London nor how to get to where she needed to go. My Mum - a wonderfully supportive, awesome, best-mum-in-the-world type - said she would accompany my sister up to our bustling captial, and asked me to go along too, partly to keep her company whilst my sister was training and partly because I know how to get about on the Underground!

It has been almost a year since I last ventured into London!
After dropping my sister off, we headed into the infamous Oxford Street. Believe it or not, I have never been there before! I was utterly astounded by the fact that several of the high street brands have more than one store in the same street!

Nevertheless, I was very impressed by the shops we went into. The staff were all very friendly and helpful and the shops were really tidy, too--a far cry from the shops in my native shopping grounds!

Surprisingly, I didn't buy that much, but I did pop into the relatively new Forever 21! I am so happy that shop has opened here in the UK!

We also nipped along to Covent Garden on the Underground, but it was absolutely packed. However, the Covent Garden Market area reminded me of Spain with its columns and arches and cafes spilling out onto the pavements. Beautiful!

I could ramble on for ages about this tiring but satisfying trip, but here is a summary of things I have learnt:

1. Don't go to London during the holiday season.
2. The Underground is unbearably hot in August!
3. Taxis are not that expensive
4. Garfunkel's at Victoria Station do an amazing all day breakfast
5. LOOK UP! There is so much amazing architecture to be seen, but we tend to miss it because the ground floor is all modern shop-fronts and signage.

How about you guys? Have you been to London? Do you have any tips, or things you have learned in going there?

The picture at the top of this post is the clock above the main entrance of Selfridges. Isn't it stunning!


  1. I was in London about 20 years ago and it was great. I was there 4 days in May with my mom.
    That is what I remember:
    1. It only rained one time for about 2 hours.
    2. Museums entries were for free.
    3. Dinner in Soho cost a little fortune.
    4. Love, love, love every historical aspect of London.
    5. Terrified about that many homeless people who slept in the doorways of the fancy shops in Oxford Street and around this area.
    6. Love tea with milk.
    We had a great time!

  2. I LOVED London, haven't been there since the early 70's though... I'm sure much has changed as well as much remaining the same. That's what I especially enjoy about Europe... they value & preserve their Past as well as embracing the Present & looking forward towards the Future. Here they tend to want to tear everything old down & there has to be a balance of Past, Present & Future.

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  3. That clock is so gorgeous! You're absolutely right about looking up to see the wonderful architecture. Even with places like cathedrals, which are less modern-looking, because there always seems to be amusing, beautiful or unique little features and carvings on them too :)


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